House Extension, Stockport, Cheshire
A contemporary extension to a 1930’s suburban detached house blessed with a spacious south-facing garden. The design replaces three unsatisfactory bays with a modern "Loggia" stretched across the rear of the house, including extended living accommodation, a ground floor toilet and improved garden access.
Large windows maximise natural light to the interior and visually connect the garden to the house. The basic cubic form of the original red brick house is revealed by the contrasting materiality of the extension which itself therefore reads as a pavilion in the garden. Design 2005.
Wombourne House Alterations
One of the points of architecture is to provide good value, not to be confused with cheapness.
With this in mind the cost of a contractors proposal for utility and wc rooms in the centre of a semi-detached house, involving breaking up the house floor slab to make drainage connections, seemed to be better resolved by locating these near the outside wall. Thus the client’s budget could be put to better use improving kitchen, dining and conservatory spaces for greater comfort and enjoyment. Design 2014.
House Extension, Romiley
A house extension making the most of garden aspect and driving daylight into a new family dining space and refreshed kitchen beyond, with minimal internal alteration. Design 2016
Coventry Garden House
A brief study for developing the large rear garden of a suburban family semi-d. The plot is accessed by a long drive, and so to maximize visibility from the street the house ramps up to a vertical façade overlooking the approach path; the body of the house connects an equivalent horizontal glazed façade opening out to a pleasantly Southwest facing garden.
Tile-hung facades refer to the local suburban vernacular. Design 2014.